NEW! Stampin' Up!

NEW! Stampin' Up!
Stampin' Up!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Spectacular Rainstorms!

Hi everyone!
We have had 2 spectacular thunderstorms - one last night and one tonight.  Last night my family and I watched the lightning and listened to the thunder for about an hour and a half. We would count between the lightning and the thunder and we watched as it came closer to us.  Finally it started to pour rain and we headed inside. Today we had been to the movie "Ice Age 3" and on our drive home we could see the lightning. We got home and prepared supper and the lightning and thunder came over our house. It poured for a long time and then hailed too. When the sun reappeared it was a fantastic evening! We went for a walk and enjoyed the fresh scents as we walked through what we call "our forest". It is an area of natural trees and flowers beside the natural lake in our community.  It was spectacular!  I love the fresh scent of the forest after a great rainfall!  I have attached some photos of our walk in "our forest".

I hope you all had a spectacular day too!

1 comment:

  1. Nancy, felt like I was there with you....great description! I miss a good thunder storm .....great artwork!

