NEW! Stampin' Up!

NEW! Stampin' Up!
Stampin' Up!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Where does the time go?

My apologizes for not blogging regularily these days. It has been a sad, busy month. My uncle, who is a second dad to my sisters and I has cancer and I have been spending as much time as possible with him and my family in Medicine Hat. We are a very close family and one of our mottos is "no regrets". Our family has been reminiscing and sharing stories from the "good old days". We have shared many smiles and many tears. I encourage all of you to also live with no regrets and to journal those special phrases, words and stories so that you will never forget those who mean so much to you.


1 comment:

  1. I work with a doctor who always tells his patients that the one valuable lesson he learned from working patients and families in palliative care is that when it comes down to it, the patients he met all talked about the relationships they wished they had cultivated versus having regrets about having more material things in their lives. It certainly sounds like your family has figured out this life lesson and continues to foster special relationships with eachother. All the best in the days ahead...


