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Stampin' Up!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Vacation Reading

One of the ways I like to relax and to spend part of my vacations is to read. I enjoy learning and believe that lifelong learning comes from reading.

One of the two books I read while in Hawaii was "The Art of Racing in the Rain" by Garth Stein. It was one of those books that I found first hard to get into but then I couldn't put it down. As some of you know, my Mom passed away from COPD in February 2011 and my very close Uncle Mark passed away 8 months to the day prior to Mom passing - he died from cancer. I wanted to share with you some sentences from this book I found profound. "...while doctors are able to help many people, for her, they could only tell her what couldn't be done. And I knew that once they identified her disease for her, once everyone around her accepted her diagnosis and reinforced it and repeated it back to her time and again, there was no way she could stop it. The visible becomes inevitable. Your car goes where your eyes go."

Those sentences remind me that although sometimes we get down (that's totally normal), have people around us who may not be the most positive and sometimes we experience negative self talk, we need to become more conscious that we make our self talk more positive and that we surround ourselves with those who are supportive and positive. Yes, it takes effort but anything worth doing does take effort.

Enjoy the journey!
Nancy K.

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