Good evening,
Life has a way of letting us know when we need to focus on what is most important to us - the people we love.
Almost two weeks ago, a devastating earthquake hit Haiti. I admit, I am a news junkie. I watched CNN and CBC and CTV. It was and still is heartwrenching. But we can make a difference by donating. We can make their lives better. We are truly blessed here.
Then, one week ago today I learned that my very close uncle (who is my Dad's twin and who lived with us almost our entire lives and he still lives with my parents) has pancreatic and lung cancer. I was devastated and still am. Cancer is cruel. There is no cure. But we can make a difference by donating to hopefully find a cure someday.
Many tears have been shed and many more will be shed. I have been reminded to focus on what is most important - the people you love and to let them know how much they are loved. Don't wait thinking there will be time. Just do it.
I have made two cards for some of the people I love and I encourage each of you to do the same and write a personal note inside. You will make their day!